Pray for America

On November 8th, 2016, America faces its biggest election to date. For the presidential bid, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary are running for the office. Never in America’s history have the mainstream parties ever put forth any worse candidates to represent them. Both of them are alike in every important way. They share the same political views, and a long time before the election they were good friends. Donald Trump even supported Hillary Clinton’s campaigns. Each of them is a New York liberal. Both are narcissists, and they have grand egos that can astound the rest of us mere mortals. They seek to amass great power for themselves at the expense of the nation. To them the end justifies the means. Their actions do not bother their consciences, because they have none. They do not care how many people they hurt along the way, even those who belong to their own parties. The only real difference between the two is that one is a male and the other is a female. One has an (R) by their name and the other has a (D). Electing either one will bring nearly the same result. The world we live in is in great danger, and this problem is compounded by a severe lack of leadership.

After eight years of an Obama presidency, this administration has left the world in a much worse condition than he found it. He is Carter 2.0. Barack Obama is also a narcissist and a modern day Nimrod. They were slender men of great stature. Both were sons born out of rebellion to a Cushite father and an Anglo-Saxon mother. They sought great narcissistic supply as the promised Messiah and proclaimed to have the answers for all humanity.

Obama and Nimrod

During the 2008 campaign Obama gave messages such as Hope and Change, yet he never defined what that meant. He never told anyone his definition, because he knew that if people understood the truth, they would never go along with it. Obama does not believe in excellence or American exceptionalism. In reality he wanted to punish America for its greatness. He wanted to take America down a notch or two, or three, or four. He is a Muslim, whom our nation is fighting a war against. He is also a Communist and a Manchurian candidate. He seeks to take away people’s hard earned money through a redistribution of wealth. After eight years, this is what his hope and change looks like:

He has almost doubled the national debt, made race relations and the political divide even worse, plowed his way through our bill of rights, and made trade deals which have weakened our economic and industrial power.  He also implemented that awful Hussein Care legislation, so the government could take over the healthcare industry and one sixth of the economy. His policies have hindered job growth. It’s even difficult for recent college graduates to get jobs. When the oil leak occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, he told everyone to just suck all the oil up with a straw. He supports amnesty and illegal immigration. He does nothing about the drug cartels in Mexico, where the problem daily spills over our border. He prematurely removed the troops from Iraq. This allowed ISIS to come in and takeover, but for a long time Obama did nothing about that either. In fact he insisted on doing nothing, even when the democratic government of Iraq pleaded for him to intervene and help. The situation has deteriorated there on a daily basis, where these radical Islamic terrorists commit all kinds of untold evil.

Obama also made a terrible deal with Iran, which will allow them to arm themselves with nuclear weapons. Even liberal commentators will admit America got the short end of the deal. Arming them makes no tactical sense. The religion and politics of Iran demand death to America and to Israel. Then there’s Vladimir Putin, who always gives Obama the proverbial finger. Putin fears neither God nor man, and he just laughs at Obama. Everyday Putin takes greater control of the Middle East, but Obama does little about it. This has become apparent with Putin’s actions in Syria. Obama thinks he can stop Putin by having a chat with him and saying nice words.

Obama has everything backwards and also has zero regard for our Constitution. He even finds it as a hindrance to his own agenda. People only voted for him because of their sense of entitlement and their desire to get free stuff.  One day people will wake up and realize he has done absolutely nothing for them. Obama also insisted on bringing Syrian refugees to America as immigrants, even though there’s no information available to verify their backgrounds. This action went against the better conscience of many Congressman and even America’s governors. This heinous deed of Obama led to terrorist acts including the Orlando shooter named Omar Mateen, who killed almost fifty people in a nightclub on June 12, 2016. This diabolic attack occurred on the anniversary of the day that Moses received the Ten Commandments. Among these commandments was the one which said not to murder. Yet when a gun store owner reported this person to the FBI for his suspicious requests, they refused to investigate him. Barack Obama issued an executive order for the FBI not to investigate Muslims, for he viewed marginalizing them as racist.

Andrew Breitbart

Obama has also killed a large number of people. This includes conservative columnist Andrew Breitbart, who wrote a number of scathing articles about him. The only man to witness his death named Christopher Lasseter “mysteriously” disappeared a few days later. Also the coroner who performed the autopsy on Breitbart died soon afterwards by arsenic poisoning. Obama wanted Breitbart eliminated to help secure his 2012 election. He also killed funny man Steve Bridges a couple days later. He was the impersonator who offended Obama by portraying him on television. Steve Bridges died under similar circumstances. He is believed to have been murdered by anaphalaxis, caused by a severe allergic reaction.  Before he died, he had just returned from a trip to China, and he complained about having “super jet lag”. Narcissists such as Barack Obama and Saddam Hussein never believed anyone was good enough to portray their image. This goes to show how thin-skinned Barack Obama is. When Steve Bridges portrayed George W. Bush, the W could take a joke and showed good humor by posing as his stunt double.


The Many Faces of Steve Bridges

The only redeeming act of the Obama presidency was the killing of Osama bin Laden. Obama sent in Seal Team Six by helicopter into Pakistan to take him out. Obama knew that killing him would make him popular and help secure his 2012 election. Otherwise Obama would have given bin Laden a free pass and let him go. For Obama’s personal reasons, he also killed Seal Team Six a few weeks later in a supposed “helicopter crash”. This group would never fly an entire company in one helicopter alone. This goes to show that these military men knew something that could get Obama into trouble, so he sought to silence them.

There’s also the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate. The Constitution mandates that only a natural-born citizen of the United States can serve as president. During the entire 2008 campaign, Obama refused to come forth and show his birth certificate. Only after two years into his first term did he come forward with his birth certificate. Coming public with it beforehand was impossible, because it took him that long to make one. The certificate said he was born on August 4th, 1961 to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham in Honolulu, Hawaii. The information provided was close to the truth, but not quite. Obama was born in Africa in Hawaii Dormitory, Kenya. (Yes, there is such a place.) Obama’s grandmother, who passed away in 2006, even said on camera that Barack was born in Kenya.

Obama found Loretta Fuddy, the secretary in charge of vital records in Honolulu. She happened to be a huge Obama supporter, and he bribed her with a large sum of money. She went ahead and filed the certificate for him and had it notarized. But to cover this up, she “mysteriously” died sometime later in a small plane crash. She apparently died from shock while the others awaited rescue. To complicate matters, Fuddy’s entire autopsy report, in spite of it being a public record, was blacked out. No medical findings were revealed other than the official cause of death was drowning.

Barack Obama does not want people to know that his presidency and even his entire life is a sham. Because his mother was a U.S. citizen, Barack Obama did in fact qualify as a natural-born citizen under current interpretation of the law, no matter where he was born. Obama either did not know this, or he did not care. To him the end justified the means, in order to bring about his “hope” and “change”.


Trump and Friends

In the midst of these days of turmoil, America is about to exchange a horrible leader for an even worse one. America demonstrated it’s in great trouble when its mainstream political parties nominated Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as its candidates. Never could there be any worse choices when deciding who will succeed Barack Hussein Obama. Nevertheless, the media decided beforehand who the candidates would be. However the leftwing found their messiah under Obama, and the rightwing anointed their messiah by nominating Donald Trump.

Campaign rallies of Donald Trump offered something that no other candidate would give, which was old-fashioned bigotry. This made him very popular in certain segments of society. When he received the endorsement of David Duke, the former leader of the KKK, Donald Trump was hesitant to refuse his endorsement.

However Trump has a dilemma on his hands. People are either strongly for Donald Trump or adamantly against him. Donald Trump has a 70% disapproval rating among Americans overall. He also has 94% disapproval among blacks. Hispanics and Asians are also afraid of him for obvious reasons. Trump also wants to have the access codes to America’s nuclear arsenal, even though he has a dangerous temperament. If Trump thinks he can win an election without their support, then he is living in a fantasy land. His father Fred Trump was once arrested in 1927 when he attended a KKK rally in Queens, New York after the klansmen broke out in a brawl with Italian fascists. Although he never officially joined the group and no charges were formally pressed, the man did approve of what the KKK was doing, and he passed this hatred and bigotry on to his son. Now the son has become an even worse version of his father.

Donald Trump, also known as the Trumpster or the Dumpster, is a swindler and a known con artist. He also thinks he does not need forgiveness. He likes to prey upon stupid people by tricking them into giving him their money. This cannot be more apparent than when he convinced people they could become rich quick by enrolling in Trump University. There he would teach them his money-making secrets during a three day period. However Trump never taught anyone his secrets, and the curriculum was developed by a third party for motivational speakers.   The people who enrolled in this got even poorer. The real secret for Donald Trump getting rich is the massive fortune he inherited, which he could use to make large investments.

Professional Con Man Donald Trump

Donald Trump is also known for shooting off his mouth and making foolish comments. He even said that Mexico should build the wall on the border to keep them out. Of course the drug cartels control the Mexican government, and this corruption goes all the way to the top. So in short, the narcissist “El Chapo” Guzman would be the one providing the funding, even though he’s in prison. So if he built the wall, he would equip it with escape tunnels to aid in illegal immigration and drug trafficking. Trump’s children even had an intervening session with him and urged him to stay on script and to stop making a fool of himself.

Other stupid things he said include: “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

This is probably one of the creepiest things that have ever come from his mouth.

He also said, “My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.”

Although Donald Trump has above average intelligence, he is by no means a genius. He has made it apparent in interviews that he has no answers to our problems. The real genius behind the Trump fortune was his father Fred Trump. He created a fortune of $400 million and gave it to his son after a lifetime of making deals in real estate.

At least Trump showed some honesty and self-awareness when he said, “One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.”

The actions of Hillary Clinton are not much better. She is Obama’s third term. Hillary and her husband Bill have kept reporters busy for decades, with an almost endless string of scandals following them, since her husband was first elected to public office in 1977 as the Arkansas Attorney General. After Clinton’s two terms in the White House – covered by news reports on Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky – the focus shifted to Hillary Clinton. She logged years in the Senate, at the State Department, and on her own campaign trail covered with dirt of her own. As Hillary makes her second presidential bid this year, the damaging scandal involving her email system while she worked at the State Department continues to make headlines. Hillary has repeatedly committed perjury or lied under oath throughout her career.

One of the most telling examples was during her Benghazi testimony when she claimed a video had inspired a protest that ended up killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Questions on how the Obama administration reacted to the incident led to a House select committee investigation of the events, which sought to discover what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew before, during, and after the attacks. Her testimony has shown to be a lie. Hitlery and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria. When terrorists attacked the embassy on September 11th, 2012, the administration needed to destroy the evidence by allowing the terrorists to blow everything up. For this reason the administration did not intervene. Clinton has repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.

Hillary declared, “What difference does it make?” when the questioning got too tough, in regards to the causes of the American deaths and personnel she was supposed to protect.

The committee’s ongoing investigations and hearings revealed Clinton’s complicated email account and server setup. In this latest scandal over emails called Email Gate, Clinton set up a homebrew server to hold classified information. She also used her official Government work email to conduct private and personal business. This endangered National Security and State Secrets. Although many readers of The Freedom Articles will be all too aware of the way Government abuses the concept of national security, the fact remains that there is some need for it. Numerous officials have stated there’s no doubt her emails endangered national security, due to the fact many of them were classified SAP (Special Access Program). However, she may have done this on purpose.

A further aspect is Hillary’s deliberate withholding (and deleting) of around 30,000 emails. Her excuse was that these were the personal and private ones, yet Congress had asked to see them all. Given what we know of Killary as a cover up agent, she was probably deleting them to destroy information that could be used against her. It remains to be seen what will come of the deletion, since the FBI has reported to have the server and flash drives with all the emails in its custody.

While serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked off of a private email server at her New York home. Since her emails were not archived on official, government-run servers, Clinton aides decided which emails to hand over to the State Department – and opted to delete notes they labeled as personal. The FBI is investigating the security of the server, not Clinton herself, especially since classified information had been found in some of the correspondence.

Hillary Clinton

Mike Rivero at put forth impressive evidence that Hillary has deliberately sold US Government State secrets to foreign countries. She and Bill did this with China during Bill’s presidency. Hillary may also have intentionally set up her homebrew server with weak security that could easily be hacked, so that the hackers could get the information and Hillary could claim the problem was “weak or flawed security” rather than a deliberately set up situation to leak data.

During her term in the Senate, Hillary sponsored only three bills of legislation which were passed into law. These were:

S.3145 – A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway”.

S.3613 – A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the “Major George Quamo Post Office Building”.

S.1241 – Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act

In other words, they were laws passed to turn otherwise ordinary things – a highway, a post office, and a brick building – into something “historic.” That’s quite a message coming from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

During her time as First Lady, Hillary Clinton was a destroyer. She stopped at nothing to crush the women linked sexually to her husband Bill Clinton over the years, even though she was involved in affairs of her own. Hillary manipulated and staged everything, while she converted herself from an unimpressive First Lady with low approval ratings to admirable First Victim – the blindsided wife standing by her man. She made him forgivable and arranged the ‘cover up’. Nothing and no-one was going to stand in her way.

When the Clintons left the White House in 2001, Hillary and Bill stole some of the White House furniture for their personal use. This goes against all protocol, because if the Chief Executive wants to take something when he leaves office, he is required to pay for it first. The Clintons felt entitled to take it anyway.  Hillary is also known for practicing Wicca and Witchcraft. If asked to kill her grandchild for the presidency, she would do it.

Going forward American citizens have five options:

  1. Vote Democrat by choosing Hillary Clinton.
  2. Vote Republican by electing Donald Trump.
  3. Vote third party.
  4. Do a write-in vote.
  5. Cast no vote at all.

None of these options seem pleasant. Many conservatives in this election are considering option five. This is absolutely the worst mistake they can make. This was the reason Obama got elected to the presidency in 2008 and 2012. It’s true that things have become corrupt in our government. But by not showing up to the ballot box, they allowed a Communistic Islamo-fascist remain in the Oval Office. They also did not cast their vote for their Congressmen, and this allowed the Democrats to gain a super-majority back in 2008. This allowed the Democrats to ram that awful Hussein Care Legislation through Congress without a Republican vote. Obama’s actions were only stopped when RNC Chairman led a successful campaign with leading the newly formed Tea Party during the mid-term elections of 2010. With an impending Hillary Clinton presidency, it’s important that Republicans maintain as much congressional power as is possible under the current circumstances.

Another option is the write-in vote. In an election year with two historically unpopular nominees, write-in candidates can be enticing to undecided voters who can’t find someone to get behind, or who are searching for a way to voice their disappointment. A vote for someone would mean that I give my consent to have them govern the nation. Their opponent really plays no role. It means I cannot in good conscience have someone I fundamentally disagree with govern the nation. Voting for a write-in candidate is essentially voting for “none of the above.” If all of the candidates are abhorrent why not vote for “none of the above”? A write-in is NEVER worthless. It is a non-vote for either of the major parties. Also if a certain individual receives a large number of write-in votes such as Rick Perry, Allen West, or Ted Cruz, it might encourage them to run during the next election cycle. Just check with your state to be sure their name is on a list of pre-qualified write-in candidates for your vote to be tallied.

One might also consider voting third party. Many are considering Libertarian Gary Johnson, New Mexico’s former governor. He does have many conservative views which could help our nation. He believes the main remedy for unemployment is reducing taxation and regulation on private business. He also thinks we should create a smaller more effective government and decrease the size of government spending. He recognizes that our ever increasing National Debt is a national security risk. During his time as governor, people called him “Governor No”. He also believes that we should destroy ISIS. However he still has his warts. He supports repugnant things such as abortion, homosexuality, and the legalization of marijuana.

However Johnson’s goal is not to win the Electoral College outright. He has about 24% of the support from his home state. He plans to win New Mexico’s seven electoral votes and deny both Trump and Clinton the majority necessary for election. It means the next President will be elected by the U.S. House of Representatives from among three candidates – Trump, Clinton and Johnson. With 50 state delegations controlled a majority by Republicans, but a sizable minority unwilling to vote for Trump or Clinton, Johnson may be the only compromise available for bipartisan majority to put one of them in the White House.

John Quincy Adams was elected in 1824 the same way against Andrew Jackson. So far Adams has been the only president elected in this manner. Thomas Jefferson knew Andrew Jackson and declared that he was temperamentally unfit for office.

Jefferson said, “I am much alarmed at the prospect of seeing General Jackson become President.  He is one of the most unfit men I know of for such a place.  He has very little respect for laws or Constitutions.”

Andrew Jackson did win the presidency on the next election cycle. However Thomas Jefferson was right about the man. This was shown with his dealings in the crisis with the Second National Bank and when he sent away the Cherokees away in the dead of winter in 1837 on the Trail of Tears.


Andrew Jackson Trump

The other options for this election are to vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. This will be about deciding between the lesser of two evils. One issue that will come up this term is nominating the new Supreme Court Justices. Hillary Clinton has promised that she will select liberal leftwing hacks to sit on the bench. Donald Trump gave his assurances, for whatever that is worth, to select from a list of twenty-one known conservatives to fulfill the role. If Hillary Clinton is elected, the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation. However the lesser of two evils is still an evil.

There are some things that are likely to happen after this election. Hillary Clinton is a laughing stock to the world.  The FBI chose to clear her and not press charges.  This came after they reviewed 650,000 emails in eight days.  However Clinton, the FBI, and the public knows she’s a criminal and belongs in jail. If she gets elected, there’s still a good chance she will get impeached like her husband Bill and stand trial before Congress. Hillary does not understand the full seriousness of the situation she is in, at least as far as her reputation is concerned. She believes she is perfect and can do nothing wrong. These proceedings can and will undermine any credibility she once had and will destroy the Democratic Party. However the Sith lord named Darth Hussein Obama did political manipulation to protect Clinton, to insure that he secures for himself a third term. This goes to show just how passive-aggressive Obama is.

If Donald Trump is elected, he will follow no agenda but his own. No one knows exactly what he will do, not even Donald Trump. He has no moral compass. He will just follow the political winds and do what feels good to him at the moment. If some political leader makes him angry or gets under his skin, he will feel inclined to drop nuclear weapons on them. He will also turn the White House into a drama or reality television show. The Kardashians at the White House might air on primetime. If he does not win, he will say that the American people were morons and that he did not want to be president anyway. Also his hats and t-shirts which say Make America Great Again might become a trendy hipster item.

Nevertheless, the Republican Party is dead. It lived from March 20, 1854 – May 3, 2016 and had a good life. Its greatest accomplishments were the abolition of slavery, turning America into a world power, and bringing about the downfall of the Soviet Union. Although it served as a force for good for many years, it has failed to oppose the Obama agenda. As a result the party has ceased to have meaning.  The two party system will become no more. After this presidential primary season Ted Cruz, has undisputedly, become the current leader of the conservative movement in America.

Ted Cruz

The Republican Establishment has tried its hardest to remove any elements of conservatism from the Republican Party. RNC Chairman Michael Steele led a successful campaign with the Tea Party in 2010 and managed to take Congress out of the hands of Obama. This kept Obama’s power in check. The Republican higher ups did not like this and managed to replace him with Reince Priebus, a talking head that would do whatever they wanted. The Republican Party fell under Priebus’ watch. Things went badly for them when Donald Trump received the nomination by following their rules. Things were stacked so that a conservative could never win the nomination. Southern states within the Bible belt had their primaries first while the candidate field was still large, and this divided the vote. Large states like California went last, after the nomination was pretty much decided. In 2008 they had McCain and in 2012 they nominated Romney. Now the establishment has been rejected, and they have a narcissist for a nominee that refuses to listen to him.

Ted Cruz is in an excellent position to run for president again in 2020. He will come with a tremendous amount of support behind him. He isn’t the type of man than walks away quietly.  He can speak on the Senate floor and say “I told you so”, especially if Donald Trump loses. Many economists such as James Garrick and Richard Hoey predict an economic recession will occur in 2018 due to Obama’s policies. This will reach its peak in 2019 and be worse than the 2008 meltdown. Even if Gary Johnson gets elected and does the necessary budget cuts, he will not be able stop it in time. It takes eighteen months for a major law to go into effect. So whoever is in office this time around will get blamed for this, and things will go very badly for them. Since Ted Cruz did not get the nomination this time around, this may have been his salvation. However any successful candidate will need to use the approach of Ronald Raegan. He was humble and used humor when he dealt with the media. He was even able to laugh at himself. One time when dealing with a criticism over the Iran-Contra affair, he promised to “pardon a turkey.”

In 1066 B.C. Israel was in the middle of a forty yearlong oppression by the Philistines, and their affliction was great. Still Israel refused to give up its idols. They also refused to rise up and take a stand against their oppressors. So Israel was given two judges at the same time named Samson and Samuel, who judged the land twenty years. One rose up and did the job of a single army and gave his oppressors hell. This included killing a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey and burning fields of grain with three hundred foxes he captured and tying torches to their tails. The other man preached to the people, admonished them, and taught them the ways of good virtue. Finally Israel agreed to put away its idols. These two men turned the political situation around and saved Israel. America is in the same situation today, but two men are going to rise up and deal with our oppressors.

These are bizarre times we are living in. Nevertheless, if Hillary Clinton gets elected, her husband Bill will become the next First Lady. Also if Hillary is elected, Barack Obama will no longer be the worst president in the history of the United States. Know that as long as people keep voting for candidates they do not support or even believe in, nothing will change.


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